Do you wonder what becoming a franchise owner is all about?
The energy market has always been one of the most dependent on each country’s laws and regulations. Until the deregulated energy markets appeared, not so long ago, no one would ever have thought to ask the energy or gas provider for a discount. Your bills were a sealed deal: you received them, paid them, and waited for the next one, hoping the price would still be the same next month.
With the new deregulated energy and gas markets, we have the power to choose the supplier we want based on their price and advantages. You might have changed suppliers at least once if you live in a deregulated country. Think about the benefits you have obtained from the change. Maybe you enjoyed a lower price or better customer service. We are all different and we seek different benefits when closing a contract, but in the end, we all want the same: to be free to choose and free to act according to our needs. If all comes at a lower price, it is almost certain that we will sign the deal.
Deregulated energy markets have had a strong positive influence. The market prices will be fairer through competition and that is a great step forward. Even with all these changes made in the deregulated countries, the energy market has strong roots in fixed systems that were put in place some years ago and still hold through.
From the beginning, the RED platform has been built on the basis of allowing different users to come together in order to reduce costs and intermediaries. One of the most important additions to Restart Energy Democracy in 2021 is the launch of the first tokenized carbon offset system on the market. RED will allow companies and individuals to offset their carbon footprint by buying REO-G and GTK tokens from green energy producers and individuals, using a simple process through a mobile app. RED reaches through this process, yet again, its mission to put energy in the hands of each one of its users.
What do we mean by that? You can come to the platform as a simple user, who only desires to be able to switch suppliers freely and easily or to trade. You also have the necessary instruments to open a RED Country Franchise, to upload your supplying offers if you are an energy supplier and to request REO-G if you are a green energy producer. In addition, any user can request GTK tokens based on their green energy consumption or electric car recharges. There are many ways to use the RED App. Let’s begin by analyzing the RED Franchise owner’s journey through the platform!
The RED V-LEC Country Franchise
The RED V-LEC Country Franchise is one of the main integrating parts of the RED Platform, and it will be live in April. The RED Franchise allows users to earn passive income by helping their friends and contacts to pay less for their energy and gas consumption. In order to apply for a franchise, you can be an individual or a company.
The RED V-LEC Franchise is a blockchain-based model of franchising, using MWAT, a cryptocurrency created by RED.
The uniqueness of the RED Franchise is determined by allowing its integrating partners to offer better services and earn a higher income from it.
Create your own RED V-LEC Country Franchise
Traders interested in acquiring a Country franchise will have to pay the cost of 100.000 MWAT.
The limit for the number of franchises in a country is 1 franchise for every 10 000 inhabitants. In a country like Romania, for example, with approximately 20 million inhabitants, the maximum number of RED Franchises will be 2000.
Staking Rights for the RED Franchise
50% of the owned MWAT will be held by RED in payment for the right to run the RED Franchise. The franchise operator will be given 1 V-LEC token in exchange for the payment. The other 50% of the owned MWAT will be returned to the operator in staking rights. In order to be able to run the franchise, the operator will need to have the MWAT staked on the platform for at least 12 months.
The MWAT staked on the platform will also determine the number of clients the franchise owner can bring to RED, or the quantity of energy sold to the franchise operator’s clients:
- 1MWAT will allow one client to be brought to the RED Platform.
- 1MWAT will allow the franchise owner to sell 1MWh of energy to the clients he/she brought to the platform (calculated annually).
When this quantity ratio is surpassed, the franchise owner will have to stake a greater amount of MWAT.
The V-LEC NFT Token
The token that supports the franchise system on the RED Platform is the new V-LEC NFT ERC-721 token. The token is received in exchange for the payment for the RED Franchise and will contain all the detailed information of each specific Franchise (name of the country and other details unique to an individual business). The V-LEC token can be sold to another user following the same concept as the selling of a business.
The RED Franchise Owner’s Journey
How Can a User Apply for the RED Franchise?
- Download the RED App*:
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.red.platform2
- IOS: https://apps.apple.com/ro/app/red-platform/id1595542534
2. Open an account on the RED Platform and apply for a franchise in the section My Business.
3. Upload the required documents.
Once the application is completed, a RED staff member will review it and will approve or deny it based on the documents you uploaded and the geographical area you requested the franchise for.
What Should a Franchise Owner Do after the Franchise Is Approved?
After the approval of the application to own a RED Country Franchise, these are the following steps you need to do:
- You will be able to see the suppliers’ offers in your geographical area.
- Select offers and customize them with your logo, price and details.
- Send it to your contacts and friends and encourage them to change suppliers. The offers can be sent on social networks, and messaging apps directly from the RED platform.
- When a contact changes supplier it will be added to your portfolio and you will begin to earn a monthly income based on their energy consumption.
- You will be able to see the number of customers you brought to RED and your monthly income in your account on the RED App.
The Client Acquisition Process
Franchise owners can be individuals who desire to earn a passive income while helping their friends and contacts to pay less for their electricity and natural gas bills. They can also be companies who already have a line of business and desire to offer to their customers better electricity and gas prices, followed by an upgraded Customer Service or extra services included.
The final customer can only access supplying offers through RED Franchises. This gives the franchise the opportunity and the responsibility to maintain its clients, create appealing offers and grow its clients’ portfolio for higher performance and income.
The supplying offers on the RED Platform are uploaded by the suppliers and can only be viewed by franchise owners inside the geographical area the offers are created for. A RED franchise established in Romania will handle supplying offers from suppliers based in country. The franchise owners can select an offer that better resonates with their targeted customers (e.g.: small or big consumers) and edit the offer based on their needs and the supplier’s specifications. A franchisee can add a profit margin on top of the supplier’s price, or add an extra service he/she can provide in order to make the offer more appealing. In addition, franchise owners will receive remuneration for each lead and/or customer they bring to the RED Platform.
After a customer signs a contract with one of the suppliers on the platform, the franchise owner begins to earn a monthly income based on the consumption of the customer he has brought to RED.
Energy will be in your hands from the first step, as your business’ development will offer you greater opportunities of earning and growth.
The Validator Role for the RED V-LEC Franchise Owners
The Validator role on the RED platform is a new opportunity for franchise owners. The Validator will be involved in the approval process for two of the tokens on the RED platform involving energy producers and green energy consumption from users all over the world: REO-G and GTK tokens. In order to become a validator, a franchise owner needs to pass a special test in order to demonstrate their knowledge in the green energy field.
The Validator Role for REO-G Minting
The REO-G token is an ERC-721 token that will allow energy producers to prove the origin of the energy they produced. The token can be claimed for the energy that was produced no longer than 12 months before the claim.
1REO-G means that 1 MWh of renewable energy has been produced.
REO-G can be transferred to other users on the RED Platform and can be traded on the RED Exchange.
REO-G can also be withdrawn in personal Ethereum Wallets and on third-party exchanges.
When a green energy producer claims REO-G for their energy production, the token can only be minted once a validator approves the claim. The process of validation is automatized through the RED Platform. The validator is paid a fee by the energy producer who claims the REO-G. The validator’s fee can be anywhere between 1MWAT and the quantity of MWAT he/she has staked on the RED Platform.
The Validator Role for GTK Minting
GTK are ERC-20 unique token tracking CO2 offset. GTK can be claimed by any user based on their green energy consumption. Any user who can demonstrate having consumed green energy or having recharged their electric car (no longer than 12 months prior to the claim) are entitled to claim their GTK on the RED platform.
1 GTK means that 1 ton of CO2 has been offset from the atmosphere (or the equivalent in other greenhouse gases).
GTK are minted by RED whenever a user makes a verified “claim”.
GTK can be transferred to other users on the RED Platform.
GTK can be traded on the RED Exchange
GTK can be withdrawn in personal Ethereum Wallets and on third party exchanges.
The RED validator will verify all GTK claims in exchange for a fee fixed beforehand, paid by the user who makes the claim. The process through which the validator is notified to verify a claim is automatized through the RED Platform. The validator’s fee can be anywhere between 1MWAT to the quantity of MWAT he/she has staked on the RED Platform.
Energy in Your Hands
The RED V-LEC Platform is available for download in the Beta testing phase and its first version will be live in April. Users from all over the world will be able to access the platform for different, but connected purposes that will enhance green energy production and consumption.
The platform gives the opportunity to individuals and companies to run a business directly from their phone, create a passive income and help friends, contacts and customers pay less for their energy consumption.
The green energy producers will be rewarded with green certificates that demonstrate the origin of their energy. These certificates can be sold to companies interested in reducing their carbon footprint.
Any user will be able to claim their GTK by using green energy and charging their electric car.
Restart Energy Democracy’s ecosystem is thought for everyone to be a part of it and to benefit from the future of energy. Our mission is the democratization of energy, easing the process and growing together for a greener future.
Chat with us on our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/QzpGgeuyv2